Top 10 Reasons You're not Losing Weight Is your BMI in an unhealthy range? Are you within your ideal weight range? If you're at risk, losing weight may be important for staying healthy. But, if you're very close to your goal and can't seem to get rid of those last few pounds, ask yourself if you really need to lose them. Would it be possible to be happy at your current weight?  
SmartLipo: The Latest Fat-Removal and Skin Tightening Procedure SmartLipo is different in that it uses a carefully calibrated laser to liquefy fat deposits through the top layers of the patient's skin. The laser actually ruptures fat cells, and the resulting oily, liquid substance is then removed through a tiny incision in the skin by the surgeon. 
 Outcome of YO-YO Dieting The yo-yo diet is characterized by a cyclical pattern of repetitious loss and gain of body weight. Some of the ways people choose to do this include skipping meals and consuming very few calories. There is increasing evidence that weight cycling may lead to cardiovascular and metabolic disorders such as hypertension and diabetes. 
 Top 10 high sugar foods to avoid When you eat food, your body changes the food you eat into sugar and uses the sugar for energy. When you have diabetes, your body is not able to use the sugar for energy. The sugar floats around in your blood. That is why people with diabetes have too much sugar in their blood.  
Hydroxycut: to take or not to take Hydroxycut is a dietary supplement that increases weight loss when used in conjunction with exercise. Hydroxycut is a thermogenic weight loss supplement continuing hydroxycitric acid, L-Carnitine, green tea extract, ma huang (herbal form of Ephedrine), guarana (herbal form of Caffeine), and willow bark (herbal form of Aspirin). These ingredients make an effect stack to suppress appetite and burn off fat.  
Top 10 Reasons You're not Losing Weight Is your BMI in an unhealthy range? Are you within your ideal weight range? If you're at risk, losing weight may be important for staying healthy. But, if you're very close to your goal and can't seem to get rid of those last few pounds, ask yourself if you really need to lose them. Would it be possible to be happy at your current weight?  
Sprinting: a great tool in fat loss Sprinting not only burns HUGE amounts of calories, it also keeps your metabolism flying for days after. Sprinting combined with running / jogging can bring amazing results, especially when combined with a healthy diet!  
StomaphyX Procedure: for early satiety and further weight loss
This revolutionary procedure is now available for individuals who have had previous gastric bypass surgery and who are regaining weight. This procedure involves no incisions and no recovery and involves placing an endoscope through the mouth into the stomach pouch. The connection between the stomach pouch and small intestines is then sutured resulting in slower emptying of the stomach and earlier satiety and more weight loss. The procedure also shrinks the stomach pouch and makes it small, similar to the outcome of the original gastric bypass procedure. 
 Vibration Plate exerciser:  effective for Weight Loss New research suggests that, if used properly, vibration plate exercise machines may help you lose weight and trim the particularly harmful belly fat between the organs. Overweight or obese people who regularly undertook Power Plate exercise are more successful at long-term weight loss and shedding visceral or belly fat than those who combines dieting with a more conventional fitness routine and those who simply maintain dieting. 
 Top 10 to Tip the Scale in Your Favor Bringing your fat intake to a healthy level can work wonders for your waistline. But there’s a lot more you can do to peel off those extra pounds and keep them off for good. The following strategies will help you whip your eating habits into shape and make you a weight-loss winner. Read on to learn more...  
Quick-Fixes For Your Waistline Name any beauty treatment, from exfoliating to detoxification to massaging, and it's a fairly safe bet that it can be of some use to the waist. A flabby waist can have countless different causes. Dietary factors can lead to bloating or water retention, as can hormonal issues surrounding your menstrual cycle or menopause, or just plain old middle-aged spread. Read on to learn more...  
Tummy Tuck The abdomen or tummy comes in many different sizes and shapes. Time, gravity, and pregnancies take their toll on the abdominal region. The tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat in the lower portion of the abdomen as well as to tighten up the muscles. Tummy tuck surgery can restore a more youthful appearance to the abdomen. Read on to learn more...  
Tummy Flatteners The hundreds of exercises and complicated pieces of equipment that claim to ‘iron out’ your stomach can get confusing-as can doing millions of exercises and not seeing any results. Read on to find out the tummy-flatteners that really work.
Top 10 Towards A Leaner Tummy Far too many women spend hours trying to tighten that tummy, only to see the same old pudgy pooch day after day. A few of us have been blessed with great tummies! For most of us, however, it takes a lot of hard work to obtain and maintain a tummy worthy of being shown off in a swimsuit.   What Makes Me the Weight I Am? There's no easy answer to this question. What you weigh — and how easily you lose weight and keep it off — depends on a variety of factors. Some (how much you eat or exercise) are within your control; others (genetics, body type) aren't. Read on to learn more...  
Iodine: A Critical Mineral for Weight Loss. If adjusting your diet and exercising more hasn't helped you reach a healthy body weight, you may have hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid gland. Fortunately, you can help normalize an underactive thyroid gland by increasing your intake of the mineral iodine.  
Fat Burners: Temporary fixes to weight loss Most of the 'Fat Burners' on the market are nothing more than glorified Caffeine, which basically means they are pharmaceutically manufactured caffeine in high doses, mixed with some other odd herbs which most likely do nothing and probably damage your health in the long run.
  Weight Loss Focus Month Even the most careful calorie counters may note an increase in sweets and less-nutritious meals during the holiday season which lead to additional pounds on the scale. Our team comprising of fitness trainers and nutritionists aim to bring you a complete resource on how to achieve a healthy and permanent weight loss. The "Women Fitness Weight loss Center" program consist of diet, exercise and behavioral modification.  
Striking Weight loss in 2009 A New Year's resolution is a great way to get motivated to start losing weight, but the key is finding a sensible program that will greatly increase your chances of reaching that challenging goal. Key weight loss strategies include eating much less fat, keeping a food journal, taking 10,000 steps per day, and finding a support system that will help you stay focused.  
Belly Fat linked to early death - How to fight it As women age, fat is more likely to build around the midsection, rather than the hips and thighs. Too much belly fat can increase your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Now an important new study links belly fat to early death.
Top 10 Reasons why you're not Losing Weight
If you find your workouts are hit-or-miss and that you give in to temptation a bit too easily, your weight loss may hit the skids. For exercise to work, you have to do it on a regular basis.
Consistency: key to successful Weight loss Have you ever accomplished anything great with an inconsistent effort? Unless failure is considered a great achievement, you probably haven't. You must exercise consistently to get the results you want! It blows my mind how many people don't even try to be consistent with their diet and exercise programs and complain about not seeing results.
Drugs for weight loss - How effective?
Weight-loss drugs may sound like a dieter's dream. But they aren't a good choice for everyone who's overweight. In fact, many doctors reserve them for people with weight-related health problems. It's best to lose weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise. But if you're among those who struggle to lose weight and the excess weight has produced medical problems, weight-loss drugs may be able to help you.
How much to exercise for healthy Weight loss It has been estimated that 1/2 kilo (1 pound) of body fat equals around 16,000 kilojoules (or around 4,000 calories). So to lose 1/2 kilogram of body fat each week through exercise, we need to burn off approximately 2,500 kilojoules (600 calories) extra each day.  
Boosting Weight Loss By Limiting Fructose One of the reasons people on low-carbohydrate diets may lose weight is that they reduce their intake of fructose, a type of sugar that can be made into body fat quickly, according to a researcher at UT Southwestern Medical Center.  
Adding "Tastants" to Food May Promote Weight Loss Boosting the flavor of your food with calorie-free seasonings and sweeteners may help you feel fuller faster and decrease the amount you eat, according to a U.S. study that suggests this may be a new way to help people lose weight.  
Big breakfast diet aids Weight loss New research from Venezuela and Virginia Commonwealth University shows eating a big breakfast filled with carbohydrates and protein then eating a low-carb, low-calorie diet the rest of the day can help you lose weight and keep it off. Researchers compared their new diet with a strict low-carb diet in 94 obese women who were not physically active.  
Jump Rope Workout Jumping rope is a great cardiovascular exercise. It's one of the foundations of a boxer's conditioning program, and you've got to be in shape to box. The tennis champ Jimmy Connors used to skip rope as part of his conditioning routine. 
 Calcium needed to assist Weight Loss Although it has long been known that all cells require calcium to function and that calcium also regulates the transport of other nutrients in and out of cells. But also there is growing evidence calcium plays an important role in the regulation of energy metabolism and, in certain circumstances, may help reduce body fat and prevent weight gain.   Counting health benefits of Peanut Butter The peanut, Arachis hypogea, is really a legume - same as a bean or pea. Peanut butter makes delicious spread for breads, waffles, bagels, toast, crackers, apple slices, celery, or carrots. Spread it on plain or make some of the spreads at home. Store them in the refrigerator for up to a week.